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In his letter from 10 October 1885 Vincent tells his brother he studied Rembrandt’s technique extensively: If I can acquire connections for my own work, I won’t fail to do so - and I firmly believe that with perseverance I’ll win.'ĭid Van Gogh learn from Rembrandt’s technique? 'Longing most of all for Rembrandt and Frans Hals, one day this week I’m going to the museum in Amsterdam with a friend of mine in Eindhoven whose studies I once showed you. On 4 October 1885 he wrote from Nuenen to Theo: In the beginning of October 1885 Van Gogh was to visit the Rijksmuseum that had opened earlier that year. When did Van Gogh visit the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam? If you were lucky to visit the exposition ' Vincent meets Rembrandt’ in the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam, or in case you missed the exposition, you may like to read what Van Gogh wrote to his brother about Rembrandt.

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Yes, Rembrandt's work was a huge source of inspiration for Vincent.

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